Unlocking the Secrets of Asava and Arishta: Asli Aushadham’s Classical Elixirs

U n l o c k i n g t h e S e c r e t s o f A s a v a a n d A r i s h t a : A s l i A u s h a d h a m s C l a s s i c a l E l i x i r s


Timeless Healing with Ayurveda's Liquid Treasures

In the world of Ayurveda, where ancient wisdom meets modern wellness, few preparations have stood the test of time like Asava and Arishta. These elixirs have been cherished for centuries for their potent healing properties. Asli Aushadham, in its commitment to authentic Ayurveda, proudly offers a range of these classical medicines, bringing you the essence of time-honored remedies in liquid form.

Understanding Asava and Arishta

Asava and Arishta are traditional Ayurvedic formulations primarily known for their use of fermentation. These elixirs are created by infusing various medicinal herbs, roots, and barks into a base liquid, often using a method called “Sandhana Kalpana.” What makes them unique is the fermentation process, which not only acts as a natural preservative but also enhances the therapeutic qualities of the ingredients.

The Art of Fermentation

Fermentation is a remarkable process that transforms these elixirs into powerful medicinal agents. During fermentation, beneficial microorganisms thrive, breaking down complex compounds in the herbs, making them more bioavailable and digestible. This process also imparts a distinct taste and aroma to each Asava and Arishta.

fermentation of Asava Arisht

Balancing Doshas

In Ayurveda, health is synonymous with balance. Asava and Arishta play a vital role in achieving and maintaining this equilibrium. Depending on the herbs used, they can pacify specific doshas (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha) and help restore harmony within the body.

The Asli Aushadham Difference

Asli Aushadham’s commitment to authenticity and purity is reflected in every bottle of Asava and Arishta. Here’s what sets our classical elixirs apart:

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Precision

We meticulously follow classical Ayurvedic texts and guidelines, ensuring that the traditional knowledge is preserved and delivered in its purest form.

 Carefully Selected Ingredients

Our elixirs are crafted from a selection of premium herbs, each chosen for its specific therapeutic benefits.

Fermentation Excellence

The fermentation process at Asli Aushadham is an art perfected over generations. We ensure that our elixirs undergo the right fermentation period, maximizing their effectiveness.

Our Asava and Arishta Range

Asli Aushadham’s Vati offerings span a wide spectrum of health concerns. Here are a few examples-


Known for its heart-healthy properties, Arjunarishta is a beloved remedy for maintaining cardiovascular wellness.


A rejuvenating elixir, Ashwagandharishta is cherished for its ability to combat stress, boost vitality, and promote overall well-being.


With the goodness of grapes, Draksharishta aids digestion, supports liver health, and improves iron levels.


This elixir is celebrated for its role in women’s health, addressing menstrual irregularities and promoting reproductive wellness.

The Timeless Elixir of Ayurveda

Asava and Arishta are more than herbal concoctions; they are a testament to the profound wisdom of Ayurveda. At Asli Aushadham, we’re honored to share these elixirs with you, encapsulating centuries of knowledge in each bottle.

As you embrace the healing power of Asava and Arishta, remember that their benefits extend beyond physical health. They connect you to an ancient lineage of holistic well-being, inviting you to experience the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda.

Explore the range of Asava and Arishta from Asli Aushadham and embark on a journey towards authentic well-being.*

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by medical authorities. Please consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare provider before using Asava and Arishta for specific health concerns.